Tougher drone rules on the cards in Hong Kong as industry body warns of ‘reckless’ flying and threat to passenger aircraft (Dec 11, 2017)
Lawmakers in the city will hear proposals on Tuesday from the local aviation regulator seeking to introduce revised rules that would require unmanned aircraft to be registered and users trained and insured to operate them safely. The push follows recommendations from industry experts.
Owners with unmanned aircraft weighing under 250g would not need to register their device with authorities. Anything between 250g and 7kg would need to be registered. And drones exceeding 7kg would need to be vetted by authorities and require insurance to protect against flight risks.
A short public consultation is to be carried out in Hong Kong by the first quarter of 2018 and finish by the middle of the year.
Hong Kong’s proposals would broadly follow rules in the United States, which are underpinned by a registration system. Information is made available to law enforcement authorities, and failure to register and tag a drone is punishable with a US$250,000 (HK$1.95 million) fine or imprisonment up to three years. accused of flying drone to take photos in Hong Kong International Airport arrested (Jul 18, 2017) Aviation Department Operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
UAS shall not be flown over or within 50 m of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure not under the control of the UAS operator; except that during take-off and landing, the UAS must not be flown over or within 30 m of any person other than the person in charge of the UAS or a person necessarily present in connection with the operation of the UAS.